Antoine Klee
Antoine and Catherine Klee

Most of the current information about Antoine Klee has been gained from his death certificate. Antoine was born in about 1799. Antoine’s father was Mathias Klee from Bavaria – unfortunately no town was specified. His mother was Stephanie Scheler.
Translation of Antoine’s death certificate
In the year eighteen hundred and forty eight on 3rd January at 11 o’clock in the morning before you, August Hubert Gilbers assistant to the mayor of the town of Reims having been given the duties of official of the civil service. The persons appearing are the said Charles Nicolas Etienne, Baron de Haussay, aged seventy three, Captain of Gailleau and Knight of Saint Louis, administrator of the civil hospital in this town, and Pierre Perin aged 28 years employee of the administrator of the hospital both living at Reims. You have declared to them that the said Antoine Klee aged forty nine years native of [blank – no town] (Bavaria), a labourer living at Mutigny (Marne), son of the late Mathias Klee and the late Stephanie Scheler and husband of Catherine Greffier, has died at the hospice in this town at 10 o’clock in the morning on 2nd January. The affidavits have been signed with you thus ending this proceedings.
Antoine died on the 2nd January 1848, at the age of 49, at the hospital in Reims. He had been a labourer, living at Mutigny, Marne.
His wife, Catherine was still living at the time of his death.

Antoine and Catherine had at least three children:
- Victor – born 21 February 1840
- Louis – born 24 April 1841, died as a baby 2 June 1841
- Albert – born 1844
Victor and Louis were both born in Trosly-Breuil, Oise, and appear in the 1841 census with Antoine and Catherine.

It is not currently known where Albert (second name Alexy?) was born, but he appears in the 1851 census for Mutigny, Marne 1851 census aged 7, along with his mother Catherine Greffier and his brother Victor (Antoine died before this census).
At this time, nothing else is known about Albert.

Catherine’s Birth
Catherine Greffier was born on the 24th October 1810, in the town of Sarralbe.
Translation of Catherine Greffier birth certificate
In the year eighteen hundred and ten on 24th October at 3 o’clock in the afternoon before you, Jean Pierre Pigeot, mayor and official of the civil services of the town of Sarralbe. Appearing is Monsieur Henry GREFFIER, a tailor from Barbita, aged thirty three years and living at Rech, Sarralbe, who has shown us a female infant to be registered, having been born today at midday. With his wife Catherine NACHBRON(N) they wish to give her the name Catherine. The said presentation and registration has been made in the presence of Monsieur Andre Arquer, a labourer aged fifty one and Michel Rigauf, both living at Sarralbe and who have signed the certificate with you after reading and understanding the document. (Witnessed by N Greffier, C Greffier, J P Pigeot, A Arquer, M Rigauf.)
Several of the names need to be verified, but a copy of the original document is not presently available.